This web design course will help me to learn how to make great web pages that the entire World will visit on the World Wide Web. By using all the skills that I am learning through this course, I will be able to sell my services to a variety of people and earn a really good living too! I can hardly wait to start learning how to use images and animated graphics in my pages as well. This is really fun!

This web design course will help me to learn
how to make great web pages
that the entire World will visit on the World Wide Web.
By using all the skills that I am
learning through this course, I will be able to sell my services
to a variety of people and earn
a really good living too! I can hardly wait to start learning how to use images and animated graphics in my pages as well. This is really fun!

This web design course will help me to learn how to make great web pages that the entire World will visit on the World Wide Web.

By using all the skills that I am learning through this course, I will be able to sell my services to a variety of people and earn a really good living too! I can hardly wait to start learning how to use images and animated graphics in my pages as well.

This is really fun!

This web design course will help me to learn how to make great web pages that the entire World will visit on the World Wide Web. By using all the skills that I am learning through this course, I will be able to sell my services to a variety of people and earn a really good living too! I can hardly wait to start learning how to use images and animated graphics in my pages as well. This is really fun!

Everything above this line is how your page should look...

You can see that the tags used to control "line breaks" can be very useful for displaying the text on your pages with much more control. You can use double entry "blockquote tags" to "indent" the text even further. Just keep in mind that the "blockquote tags" indent equal amounts on the left and right margins of your pages.